Adriana Baradri

Adriana Navarro Álvarez (aka Adriana Baradri) is a Ph.D. Candidate, researcher and lecturer in the Researching Group Animation: Art and Industry from the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). She had a research stay at the Sorbonne and The Animation Workshop.
Her graduated film Vía Tango was nominated for Goya Awards, award-winning and selected in several international film festivals and it was part of cycles (From Doodles to Pixels) and anthologies (100 Hundred years of Spanish Animation). Additionally, Adriana has collaborated in production and distribution tasks in HollyShorts Film Festival (USA) and the Valencian film library CulturArts IVAC (Spain). As an animation scholar, she has delivered papers in Society Animation Studies (SAS), CONFIA, Avanca Cinema International Conference (Portugal), International Academic Forum Animation Anima (Argentina), IMF Cyprus, the magazine Con A de Animación and Ilustrafic International Congress of Art and Visual Culture and Deforma: Cultura Online (Spain). Furthermore, she has collaborated in the magazine Format Court: Regards Pluriels sur un Format Singulier and works in the association Coordinadora del Cortometraje Español, dedicated to the audiovisual education, promotion and diffusion of the Spanish short film format.

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