This database is dedicated to sharing the contributions and profiles of female* animators from the 1900s-present. Knowingly always in-process, the database is updated on a semi-regular basis and intends to educate, disseminate and champion the work of an international group of women animators from the last century. The site provides brief profiles for further research and sharing.
*Great Women Animators is trans-inclusive and includes women, trans and gender non-conforming animators.
Started and maintained by Heather Kai Smith, researcher and artist based in Nanaimo, BC, Canada. Posts also researched and contributed by Skye Lobell.
Special thanks to Edwin Rostron, Adriana Baradri, Neal Moignard, and Quickdraw Animation Society for their support and contributions to this project.
***Great Women Animators is a volunteer initiative. If you would like to support this work and see it expand, please consider making a small donation. Honestly, anything helps to keep this project going! Thank you so much.***
For suggestions, corrections or information on further animators, please contact greatwomenanimators(at)gmail.com
All works and images are copyright of the artists listed.