Angela Iturriza

Born in San Sebastián, she teaches at U-Tad, teaching storyboarding and short film projects. She is also a TFG tutor and Academic Director of the Master’s in Story Artist.

Master in Marketing and Audiovisual Distribution from the Sorbonne/INA (Paris Panthéon I / Institut National de l’Audiovisuel). He has worked primarily in 2D animation, although also in 3D productions, highlighting his work at Walt Disney Feature Animation France (Paris) during its ten-year existence. In addition to his work in animation, he was a member of the Review Board (portfolio review).

Before moving to Paris, she collaborated with the now-defunct Lápiz Azul studio and Milímetros Feature Animation in Madrid.
After the demise of Disney Paris, she co-founded the Neomis Animation studio, working as a production studio.

Among other activities, he served on the jury for the first MADCINE+ short film festival.
He has also been active in exhibitions, including ART IN PARIS at the Grand Palais.

Notable projects: Tarzan, Atlantis, Fantasia 2000, The Emperor’s New Groove, Brother Bear, Hercules, Brain Drain, Destiny, Lorenzo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Goofy & Son, Batman: The Animated Series.
All award-winning productions.