1927-2001, British hand-drawn animator (career spanning 1950s-1990s)
Category: 1980s Animation
Amy Kravitz
Contemporary American abstract animator and educator
Anne-Marie Sirois
b.1958, Canadian 2D animator practicing since the late 1980s
Birgitta Jansson
1944-85, Swedish animator, best known for her short "Semesterhemmet"
Candy Guard
b.1961, London-based traditional animator, writer and producer
Candy Kugel
b.1951, American animator and producer known for her work
Caroline Leaf
b.1946, Canadian-American animator known for her stop-motion sand and
Clorinda Warny
1939-1978, Belgian-born, French-Canadian stop-motion animator, practicing in the 1970s-80s
Dianne Jackson
1941-1992, British traditional studio animator
Dóra Keresztes
b.1953, Hungarian illustrator, painter and traditional animator.
Eileen O’Meara
Contemporary, traditional and studio animator practicing since the 1980s.
Ellen Woodbury
Former Disney Character Animator, 1980s-2000s.
Emma Calder
British traditional animator practicing since the 1980s.
Erica Russell
b. 1951, New Zealand born experimental and studio animator
Eunice Macaulay
b.1923, Canadian Academy Award winning animator and producer.
Evelyn (Eve) Lambart
1914-1999, Canadian stop-motion animator and technical director at the
Faith Hubley
1924-2001, traditional hand-drawn and experimental American animator, known for
Florence Miailhe
b.1956, French traditional and experimental under-the-camera animator
Francine Desbiens
b.1938, French-Canadian traditional animator practicing 1970s-90s
Gail Noonan
Canadian experimental and traditional stop-motion animator, practicing 1980s-currently.
Gisèle Ansorge
1923-1993, French sand animator with her partner and collaborator
Guoinne Leroy
b.1967, Belgian stop-motion and CGI animator and producer
Hermína Týrlová
1900-1993, Czech stop-motion animator practicing 1920s-1980s.
Iriz Pääbo
Contemporary Canadian animator and film director based in Toronto,
Jackie Banks
1941-1995, American studio animator known for her work on
Jackie Cockle
b.1950, UK-based stop-motion studio animator, known for her work
Jane Aaron
1948-2015, American stop-motion animator known for her work on
Janet Perlman
Canadian contemporary animator practicing since the 1980s
Janie Geiser
b.1957, American contemporary experimental animator and interdisciplinary artist, practicing
Joan Ashworth
British practicing stop-motion animator, practicing 1980s-current
Joan C. Gratz
b.1941, American animator known for her work with claypainting,
Joanna Quinn
b.1962, Award-winning British animator using a hand-drawn technique (practicing
Joy Batchelor
1914-1991, British-American traditional animator whose career spanned 1930s-1980s
Joyce Borenstein
b.1950, Canadian animator practicing since the 1970s, known for
Karen Aqua
1954-2011, American traditional and experimental animator often implementing music
Kathleen Quaife
American studio animator, 2D traditional, practicing since the 1980s-now.
Kathy Rose
American experimental animator and artist, practicing since the 1970s
Kathy Zielinski
Contemporary American 2D/3D character designer and animator known for
Lesley Keen
Contemporary UK experimental animator (working with 2D and 3D
Lillian Schwartz
b.1927, American pioneer experimental filmmaker and animator using 2D/3D
Lina Gagnon
Canadian 2D animator, known for her work with the
Lisa Crafts
American animator and moving image artist, practicing since the
Lynn Smith
b.1942, Canadian animator practicing since the 1960s (independent and
Makiko Futaki
1958-2016, Japanese Studio Ghibli animator, known for her work
Marija Miletic Dail
b.1943, Croatian/Canadian studio animator for Hanna-Barbera, Universal and Marvel
Marjut Rimminen
b.1944, London-based, Finnish animator practicing since the 1970s.
Martine Chartrand
French Canadian paint-on-glass animator, practicing since the 1980s
Mary Beams
b.1945, American animator and artist, known for her work
Maureen Selwood
b.1946, Dublin-born, American animator and filmmaker, pioneer of early
Megumi Kagawa
b.1959, Japanese Studio Ghibli animator since 1981
Michèle Cournoyer
b.1943, French-Canadian animator using hand-drawn techniques, practicing since the
Monique Renault
French/Dutch animator and educator using hand-drawn techniques, practicing 1960s-2000s
Nancy Beiman
American studio animator who has worked for Disney, Warner
Nancy Edell
1942-2005, Canadian/American multi-disciplinary artist and animator
Nicole van Goethem
1941-2000, Oscar award-winning Belgian animator using traditional techniques
Patty Peraza
American Disney animator practicing in the 1980s-onwards
Peggy Ahwesh
b.1954, American experimental filmmaker and animator
Reiko Okuyama
1930-2007, pioneer Japanese studio animator working from the 1960s-200s.
Retta Scott
1916-1990, First woman to receive screen credit as animator
Rosalia Zelma
b.1938, Soviet Russian traditional animator practicing 1967-1992
Ruth Hayes
US-based Contemporary animator and educator, practicing in experimental animation
Ruth Lingford
UK-born experimental animator and educator (practicing since 1980s)
Sally Cruikshank
b.1949, American 2D animator and cartoonist, known for her
Sayoko Kinoshita
b.1945, Japanese documentary animation filmmaker (collaborator with Renzo Kinoshita)
Sheila Graber
b.1940, U.K. based animator and educator known for her
Solweig von Kleist
France-based, German-born animator using painting and hand-scratched film among
Suzan Pitt
b.1943, American experimental animator and educator best known for
Suzanne Baker
b.1939, Australian animation director and Academy Award Winner
Suzanne Gervais
b.1938, French-Canadian traditional animator practicing in the 1970s-90s
Tissa David
1921-2012, Romanian-born traditional animator with a career spanning over
Torill Kove
b.1958, Contemporary Norwegian-born Canadian film director and Academy-award winning
Vanda Carter
UK-based stop motion animator and filmmaker, primarily active in
Vera Neubauer
b.1948, Czech-born, UK-based experimental and hand-drawn animator.
Veronika Soul
b.1944, Graphic designer and animator known for her work
Viviane Elnécavé
b.1945, Egyptian-born, Canadian traditional animator practicing in the 1960s-80s
Vlasta Pospíšilová
b.1932, Czech stop-motion animator practicing in the 1960s-currently
Yvonne Anderson
b.1932, American animator and animation educator, known for her