Contemporary American character designer, storyboard artist and studio animator.
Category: Studio Animation
Alison de Vere
1927-2001, British hand-drawn animator (career spanning 1950s-1990s)
Ami Thompson
Contemporary Japanese-born Disney character designer and animator
Anat Costi
Contemporary Israeli animation director and creative practitioner focusing on
Anca Damian
Contemporary Polish documentary animator (digital and traditional techniques)
Angela Iturriza
b.1965, Spanish contemporary studio animator and storyboard artist
Anna Solanas
b. 1979, Contemporary Spanish stop-motion animator
Bea Tamargo
1940s Disney animator
Bee Selck
1908-1981, 1940s' Disney animator
Birgitta Jansson
1944-85, Swedish animator, best known for her short "Semesterhemmet"
Brenda Chapman
Disney digital animator, writer/director of Brave
Candy Kugel
b.1951, American animator and producer known for her work
Carla Pereira
Argentina/Spain Contemporary stop-motion clay animator
Carol Freeman
Contemporary Irish stop-motion animator using paint-on-glass techniques
Cécile Carre
Contemporary French animator, character designer, visual developer and story
Chelo Loureiro
b.1958, Spanish animation director and producer
Chintis Lundgren
b.1981, Estonian contemporary animation director
Christine Jollow
b.1926-?, traditional animator for Halas and Batchelor Studios
Cinzia Angelini
Italian-born, LA-based contemporary traditional, studio and digital animator
Daron Nefcy
Contemporary American animator, producer and storyboard artist, creator of
Debra Solomon
American animator producing hand-drawn films since 1995.
Dianne Jackson
1941-1992, British traditional studio animator
Edith Vernick
American, Fleischer Studios animator and in-betweener in the 1920s-30s
Eileen O’Meara
Contemporary, traditional and studio animator practicing since the 1980s.
Elizabeth Case Zwicker
1930-2006, 1950's Disney animator and artist
Ellen Woodbury
Former Disney Character Animator, 1980s-2000s.
Emily Hubley
American animator and filmmaker, daughter of Faith and John
Erica Russell
b. 1951, New Zealand born experimental and studio animator
Eva Szasz
Canadian hand-drawn animator, practicing 1960s.
Evelyn (Eve) Lambart
1914-1999, Canadian stop-motion animator and technical director at the
Faith Hubley
1924-2001, traditional hand-drawn and experimental American animator, known for
Fernanda Frick
Contemporary Chilean animator, illustrator and director
Gal Haklay
Contemporary Israeli director, concept artist, background artist and 2D
Guoinne Leroy
b.1967, Belgian stop-motion and CGI animator and producer
Hana Kukal
1960-2020, Czechoslovakia/Canada, practicing since 1985 - animator, director, storyboard
Hayley Morris
Contemporary American stop-motion and commercial animator
Heather Colbert
Contemporary UK stop-motion animator using puppetry.
Hyun Min Lee
Contemporary Disney studio animator.
Irena Dodalová
1900-1989, Czech experimental and stop-motion animator and collaborator of
Izabela Plucinska
b.1974, contemporary Polish stop-motion and clay animator.
Jackie Banks
1941-1995, American studio animator known for her work on
Jackie Cockle
b.1950, UK-based stop-motion studio animator, known for her work
Jane Aaron
1948-2015, American stop-motion animator known for her work on
Janet Perlman
Canadian contemporary animator practicing since the 1980s
Jeanette Nørgaard
b.1984, Danish contemporary 2D animator.
Jennifer Cardon Klein
b.1977, American studio animator with Warner Bros, Disney, Dreamworks
Jennifer Hager
Contemporary American Disney character animator
Jennifer Harlow
Contemporary American Dreamworks character animator
Jennifer Lee
b.1971, American animator and director, known for her feature
Jennifer Yuh Nelson
b.1972, American studio animator and director, known for her
Jessica Ashman
Joan Ashworth
British practicing stop-motion animator, practicing 1980s-current
Joanna Davidovich
b.1983, American cartoonist, character designer and animator.
Joanna Priestley
American hand-drawn contemporary animator, practicing since the 1990s
Joanna Quinn
b.1962, Award-winning British animator using a hand-drawn technique (practicing
Joy Batchelor
1914-1991, British-American traditional animator whose career spanned 1930s-1980s
Joyce Borenstein
b.1950, Canadian animator practicing since the 1970s, known for
Julia Pott
Contemporary British animator, based in Brooklyn, NY using hand-drawn
Julie Nelson
Contemporary CG Character Animator, lead animator for Roxanne Ritchie
Julie Zammarchi
American contemporary studio and freelance animator using traditional and
Kate Anderson
Contemporary UK-based studio and 2D animator
Kathleen Quaife
American studio animator, 2D traditional, practicing since the 1980s-now.
Kathy Zielinski
Contemporary American 2D/3D character designer and animator known for
Kazuko Nakumara
1933-2019, 1950s-70s Japanese studio animator
Kirsten Lepore
American animator, best known for her stop motion short
LaVerne Harding
1905-1984, American pioneer animator who worked for Walter Lantz
Lillian Friedman Astor
1912-1989, American pioneer studio animator who worked with Fleischer
Lindsey Adams
Irish studio animator and director
Lorna Cook
American Disney studio animator, practicing since the 1990s
Louise Bagnall
Contemporary Irish animator, Oscar-nominated for "The Late Afternoon", 2019
Lynn Tomlinson
Contemporary American animator practicing since the 1990s, using stop-motion
Maite Ruiz de Austri
b.1959, Spanish director, writer and animator specializing in children's
Makiko Futaki
1958-2016, Japanese Studio Ghibli animator, known for her work
Marcie LaCerte
Contemporary American nonfiction 2D animator.
Marija Miletic Dail
b.1943, Croatian/Canadian studio animator for Hanna-Barbera, Universal and Marvel
Marivi Rodriguez
Contemporary Spanish studio animator
Marjane Satrapi
b.1969, Iranian-French animation director, writer and comic artist known
Marjut Rimminen
b.1944, London-based, Finnish animator practicing since the 1970s.
Martha Sigall
1917-2014, American studio animator and cel painter for Schlesinger
Megumi Kagawa
b.1959, Japanese Studio Ghibli animator since 1981
Melanie Cordan
Contemporary American studio character animator known for her work
Melody Wang
Contemporary Canadian traditional animator
Mildred (Millie) Goldsholl
1920-2012, American animator and producer (active 1950s-70s)
Nancy Beiman
American studio animator who has worked for Disney, Warner
Nicole van Goethem
1941-2000, Oscar award-winning Belgian animator using traditional techniques
Nora Twomey
b.1971, Irish animator working with Cartoon Saloon studio, producing
Patty Peraza
American Disney animator practicing in the 1980s-onwards
Portlynn Tagavi
Contemporary American story artist and animator working with Pixar
Raquel Diana Rodríguez Lago
Contemporary Spanish studio animation producer and director
Reiko Okuyama
1930-2007, pioneer Japanese studio animator working from the 1960s-200s.
Retta Scott
1916-1990, First woman to receive screen credit as animator
Rhoda Leyer
Canadian stop-motion animator practicing in the 1960s-70s
Rie Matsumoto
Contemporary Japanese studio animator and character developer
Rosana Urbes
Contemporary Brazilian traditional animator, illustrator and storyboard artist
Ruthie Tompson
b.1910, Disney studio animator known for her work on
Sally Cruikshank
b.1949, American 2D animator and cartoonist, known for her
Samantha Youssef
Contemporary Canadian animator and artistic director who also has
Sarah Airriess
Contemporary 2D animator and artist living and working in
Sarah Ann Kennedy
British writer, director and animation academic practicing for over
Sarah van den Boom
French contemporary animator using traditional techniques
Sayo Yamamoto
b.1977, contemporary Japanese anime director and storyboard artist.
Sharon Forward
American studio animator practicing since the 1990s.
Sheila Graber
b.1940, U.K. based animator and educator known for her
Shirley Silvey
1927-2010, American studio animator known for her work on
Stella Aristakesova
b.1934-?, Soviet-Russian studio animator, known for Vasilyok, 1977
Stella Harvey
1940s Halas and Batchelor animator
Suzanne Baker
b.1939, Australian animation director and Academy Award Winner
Suzie Templeton
b.1967, Academy Award winning British stop-motion animator
Svetla Radivoeva
Contemporary American Disney character animator
Sylvia Moberly-Holland
1900-1974, American pioneer story artist for Disney studios
Tamara Shogaolu
b.1986, Dutch animation director and new media artist, founder
The Brumberg Sisters
Valentina (1899-1975) and Zinaida Brumberg (1900-1983), pioneers of early
Tissa David
1921-2012, Romanian-born traditional animator with a career spanning over
Vera Linnecar
b.1923, traditional British studio animator
Vicky Jenson
b.1960, animated film director, known for her work with
Virginia Curiá
b.1967, Spanish contemporary stop-motion, digital and clay animator with
Vlasta Pospíšilová
b.1932, Czech stop-motion animator practicing in the 1960s-currently
Wally Crook
1914-1961, British studio animator with Halas and Batchelor
Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis
Canadian contemporary collaborative duo, traditional award-winning animators and artists
Yulia Aronova
b.1983, Russian contemporary 2D animator (Folimage studios)
Yuriko Senoo
Contemporary American Disney studio animator, known for her work